Pearl of Great Price: The Merchant Bought the Pearl


Who, when he found one pearl of great price…bought it.

“I give my Sunday morning to Jesus along with several hours a week listening to Christian music and Bible studies, are you suggesting I may not be in Christ’s Kingdom?”

When compared with the deceitfulness of our flesh and the popular ideas we hear around us, we should expect the merchant to say in this parable, “I will offer 35% of my wealth for this pearl of great price.” Or, “I will offer my Sunday morning, Tuesday morning, and maybe two additional hours a week for this pearl of great price.” The Merchant in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Christian man, knows of no such offer. The one who has found the great pearl does not even consider bidding on it. The merchant does not consider making an offer of a portion of his wealth for the pearl. The merchant sells all and gives all the proceeds to obtain this great treasure.

Several years ago I wanted to buy a book that was no longer in print. I expected it could be as much as $75.00. While looking on EBay, I found a copy for $18.00. The seller allowed me to buy it immediately for $18.00 or I could make my “best offer” and see if anyone offered more. If no one offered more in a few days, I could buy it at my best offer price. As I expected to pay $75.00, I did not hesitate to immediately buy the book for $18.00 so as not to risk losing it to some other buyer.

If you, my friend, can relate to this account for a book, how much more for salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ the Savior? Will you, like many others, come face to face with Jesus Christ and, rather than selling all and making Him your own, instead stand there and bid? Will you be tempted to ask…

Well, do I have to keep the 4th commandment if I want Christ to be my own?

Can I worship God in ways that are pleasing to me if I make Him my own?

Can I continue pursuing worldly pleasures, lusts, wealth, pornography, drugs, love of self, and have salvation on the side?

Dear friend, the Christian in the Kingdom of God knows what he desires, for the Lord has enabled him to understand. The Christian desired salvation and eternal life, found it in Jesus Christ alone, sold all that he had that he might obtain Christ. Complete surrender of his whole self is all that would suffice. Christ shares his glory with no one else. He will not be bid for. He will not be kept next to other treasures for there is no other treasure in comparison to Him. So take hold on Christ, my friend. Sell everything. Count everything but trash in comparison to Christ and obtain Him.

Ben Stahl, Elder