The Merchant Found a Pearl of Value

Though the world hates it and denies it, ridicules and mocks it, nevertheless, the pearl is of greatest value.

Who, when he had found one pearl of great price…

It is a modern phenomenon to interpret that which we read by the feelings that the words bring to our minds. The impact of this in relation to the Bible in particular is that a generation is coming to age with an exceptionally low view of God’s Word. It is not the solid rock on which we stand, and which addresses all areas of faith and life, but rather it is the shifting sand of man’s feelings that change from day to day. It has become for many a mystery book that changes whenever it is opened depending on the life experiences we have had that hour and the life experiences with those playing the game with us.

However, this poor treatment of the Scriptures does not in fact change what they actually are – the unchanging Words of the unchanging God. Though they may be despised, rejected, mocked, burned, and abused, the Word of the Lord shall stand forever and will still be used of the Spirit to pierce the hearts of men and lead to Salvation.

The Merchant in our parable has found a pearl of great value. The value however, is not a value that he feels should be applied to it. Jesus does not, say, when “he found a pearl that felt to him as if it should have great value…” Jesus says, “he had found one pearl of great price…” The value was an objective reality. The reality was not derived by the man’s emotions. It was objective due to the perfection of the Pearl itself. Because the pearl was what it was the value was very great. The merchant and his feelings had no impact on the value of the pearl.

Foolish men might pass by the pearl, see it even, touch it, hold it, consider it, ponder it, be offered it, and reject it. And yet, the pearl is still of great price.

Wicked men may mock the pearl, hate the pearl, seek to destroy the pearl, deny it is of any worth, and harm those who have it, yet the value of the pearl is in no wise diminished. The value of that which is perfect. The value of knowing God and eternal life in Jesus Christ is not derived by those who would know Him or those who would reject Him. The value of God is intrinsic. The value of God is an objective truth. Who is a god like our God? There is no God: I know not any. God is the Lord and there is none else. He formed the light and created darkness: He makes peace and creates evil. The Lord does all these things. He is a just God and a Savior and there is none beside me. (Excerpts from Isaiah 44-45)

My friends, this Jesus Christ who the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments bear witness is of great value in and of Himself. There is no other like Him. He is the Savior. And he tells us to look unto Him and be saved, for He is God and there is none else.

Will you listen to God today who calls you to look to Him in faith or will you look to the lost and dying world who tells you to reject the one and only God? Look to Him. His worth is objective; His glory beyond all comprehension. The merchant cared little what others thought about his find. Will you, like the merchant, take hold of Christ today? Or will you, like the fool, take hold of what the wicked say to value. Look to Christ and live, dear friend!

Ben Stahl, Elder