Pearl of Great Price: The Merchant Obtained


“Who…went and sold all that he had, and bought it.”

Perhaps some of the greatest words spoken by Jesus are also some of the most dreadful for us to consider. When a scribe came asking Jesus the greatest commandment in Mark 12:28-34 and he heard Christ’s response, the Scribe agrees with our Lord’s answer. To this Jesus responds in vs. 34, “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.”

Similarly, when Paul is in prison and making his defense before King Agrippa in Acts 26, Paul challenges King Agrippa with the question, “believest thou the prophets?” To this King Agrippa confesses unto Paul, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”

On the one hand, the words of the Lord and the words of King Agrippa are of great joy to believers and of great hope to unbelievers. But the Merchant in our Lord’s parable teaches something quite sobering. The Kingdom of Heaven is not like merchants who draw near to the pearl of great price. The Kingdom of Heaven is not made up of those who are close to Jesus or those who are almost persuaded to believe in Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven is made up of those merchants who have obtained Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven is made up of those who do believe in Jesus Christ and those who have actually entered into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus refers to Himself in John 14 as “the door”…if any man enter in he shall be saved. People next to the door are not saved. People pondering the door are not saved. Those that go in the door, that enter in shall be saved.

Holding the living water does not bring eternal life to the soul. Drinking the living water brings eternal life to the soul. Yes, it is a joyful thing to see one who was in unbelief coming closer to the Christian faith. But unless He obtains Christ, he has nothing at all.

The Merchant in our parable is one who has found the pearl of great price and has obtained the pearl at whatever cost – even the selling of all that he had to obtain it. The Christian has won Christ. The Christian is found in Christ. The Christian has obtained Christ.

Dear friends, at any cost, through any suffering, draw near to Jesus Christ and make him your own! Jesus came proclaiming to all men that the Kingdom of God is at hand. That proclamation is being made to you again. Repent and believe the gospel. Do not ponder it. Do not think about it for another day. Take hold of Christ this day. Cast off every thing that would hinder you and obtain this pearl!

Ben Stahl, Elder