Women’s Fellowship

The women of Redeemer OPC enjoy meeting together for fellowship! All women and young ladies are invited and encouraged to attend this fellowship time that meets monthly.  Please feel free to invite a friend!


2017 Conference “Why the Reformation Still Matters Today”

There were two speakers at our October 7th conference. Dr. Nick Willborn spoke about Martin Luther and John Calvin and their contributions to the Reformation. Dr. Ryan McGraw spoke on the sufficiency of Scripture. Watch the conference video here on YouTube.


The newest son of one of our elders was baptized during the morning service on March 4th.


Youth Fellowship

Each month, our youth meet to fellowship and study the Word, usually led by Pastor Zecharias. Feel free to contact us if you’d like to attend!



5oth Anniversary Celebration




This past November we celebrated our 50th anniversary as an organized church. Many former members came to the celebration, as well as one of our former pastors, Tom Champness, who pastored Redeemer OPC for 35 years. On Saturday there were several talks about Redeemer, its past, present and future, and a dinner on Saturday evening. We also had Pastor Champness preaching the following Sunday morning. It was a wonderful time of fellowship for all who came.








Our newest deacon, Huell McBane, was ordained March 2023.