The First Easter Sunday

From your Pastor


Dear Church family,

The first Easter Sunday is about the risen Christ. We all need to understand that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is not just a future of our the Christian religion but it is the main event and point of redemption. The whole purpose of God the Father in creating and redeeming us was to raise us to everlasting glory so that we can worship him forever. That was the whole point of our salvation. Resurrection to eternal glory and in glorified bodies. But keep this in mind, our bodily resurrection is fully secured by the power of God that was demonstrated in the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead after which he ascended to eternal glory and sat down at the right hand of God to intercede for us all and bring us all into eternal glory spiritually and in a resurrected form. That my friends was what exactly Easter Sunday brought to us through the risen savior and Lord who conquered the power of sin and eternal death forever for us to live with him forever. It was our Lord Jesus Christ himself who told us ” Because I live , you also will live” John 14: 19. This means, those of us who believe in Jesus Christ who died for us on the cross and was raised from the dead for our justification are a living proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which was the great event in history. An event that was the corner stone of the gospel promise which declares to every one of us that we have been saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to be raised from the dead and go to heaven in a resurrected body and form. That’s all what Easter Sunday is all about. On that Friday on which our Lord Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross he uttered his final words saying ” It is finished” and on Easter Sunday the Father being fully satisfied by the perfect atoning sacrifice of his son he raised him from the dead to validate the completion of the work of redemption of God’s people not because of anything we contributed toward our redemption but solely because of the once for all sacrifice of the son of God on our bahalf. As Jonathan Edwards once said “You contribute nothing to your salvation except the sin that made it necessary.” You see, only the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ brought our salvation to completion and that makes the first Easter Sunday so great and special for us believers. That’s why we come to Church every Sunday which is the resurrection Sunday to worship and adore the risen Christ.

And as we together enter God’s presence for worship we like Mary Magdalene do not look for a dead savior but by faith and through the power of his resurrection we look at the risen Lord and participate in the worship of God who loved us unconditionally and before eternity to the praise of his glory here in the visible Church. That is what Easter Sunday offers to us all in Christ Jesus- the foretaste of what is awaiting for us in heaven. Is that the chief reason why we come to Church every Sunday? to bow down and worship the risen Lord who did destroy the power of hell and death for us and who is surely coming back in glory to wipe away all our tears and sorrows once for all and take us with him to glory to live with him forever.

That my brothers and sisters is what the first Easter Sunday brought to us. And that’s why we all together will gather in our father’s house on the Easter Sunday this week to enjoy the Easter breakfast and Christian fellowship among one another and more importantly to WORSHIP CHRIST, the Risen King!!!!!!

He is risen! And happy Easter to you all!!!!!

In the fellowship of the risen Lord!

Pastor Zaki